Full Funder Credits
Major Funding for The Computers Documentary Provided by:
The Brin Wojcicki Foundation
Donor Advised Fund on behalf of Lucy Southworth Page
Major Funding for the ENIAC Programmers Oral Histories Provided By:
Kapor Family Foundation
Fiscal Sponsors:
Docs In Progress
Association for Computing Machinery
This Film Could Not Have Been Possible without the Funding Support of the Following Individuals and Organizations:
Judy Soley
ACM Special Interest Groups
Richard Saada
Steve Levitan
Kleiman Associates
Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility
Steven J. Crowley
Dave and Diane Toole Foundation
Matt Smith & SmithGiord
Additional Funding Provided By:
Afilias Limited
Jack Aiello
Anthony Aiuto
All Over Creation
Carolyn Au
Maria Babula
Lewis Berman
Susan M. Betz
Nancy Blackman
Patrick Bohan
Will Bradley
Russel Brooks
Joseph Cancilla
Donna Devall
Charles Edelman
Terry Ellison
First Union
Matthew Flaschen
Amy Gum

Elizabeth Henry
Jill Huchital
Robin Jeries
Robert Jones
Philip Kidder
Branden Kuhlman
Eric Leventhal
Barbara Litwa
Edith Mailolo
Gary Matyas
Desi J. McAdam
Helaine McFerron
Roger Mills
Portia Sue Perrotty
Richard E. Patti
Frederic Peters
Erica Pfister-Altschul
Cynthia Pierce
Robert C. Plotkin

Valerie Priddle
Michael Reith
David Rubinson
Gail and Gene Rubinson
Henry Sakaida
Vicki Sauter
John P. Senner
Aritomo Shinazaki
Kathleen Smith
Ellen Spertus
Howard Steiner
Vicki Tardif
Brad Templeton
Glenn Trewitt
William Weider, Jr.
Greg White
Special Thanks To:
U.S. Army Research Laboratory, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland, Dr. John Pellegrino, Mr. John Miller, Mr. Charles Nietubitz and Mr. Robert M. Sheroke, Jr.
Fletcher, Heald & Hildreth, Arlington, Virginia
A. Mark Massey
And Megan Smith of Google[x] for ensuring this story is told to future generations!
Warmest Thanks to:
Jennifer Clarke
Dr. Adam Fox
Erica Ginsberg
Dr. Denise Gürer
Priscilla Holberton
Susan Kearney
Steve Kleiman
Erik Kloster

Terry Manies
Aaron Massey
Dolly Mastrangelo
Dr. Sonya Michel
Marc Miller, Esq.
Claudia Morrell
Cynthia Pierce
Gail Pietrzyk

Adele Schmidt
Thomas Petzinger
Dr. Barbara Simons
Dr. Ellen Spertus
Rebecca Stern
Sam Stern
Brad Templeton
Dr. Joseph Weizenbaum